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Resulting information highlight a scarce spatial characterization along the studydata highlight a scarce spatial characterization of snow avalanches along The resulting region. Given the proximity of distinctive detachments sites, the reconstruction of past avalanche activity remains quite tough, the reconstruction of your study location. Provided the proximity of distinct detachments web-sites, Ikarugamycin References distinguishing events occurring from neighboring detachment places. Consequently, considering the absence of past avalanche activity remains quite complicated, distinguishing events occurring from neighboring detachment locations. Consequently, taking into consideration the absenceLocalizzazione Probabile an updated Probable Avalanche Place Map–CLPV (Carta di of an updated Probable Avalanche Location Map–CLPV (Carta diof snow avalanches’ paths delle performed in delle Valanghe in Italian) [44], an evaluation Localizzazione Probabile was Valanghe to Italian) [44], anlikely to of snow avalanches’ pathshazard. This “static” approach [105,125] determine regions analysis be exposed to avalanche was performed to identify locations probably to be exposed onavalanche hazard. This “static” options for delineating depending on the analysis was primarily based towards the analysis of morphological strategy [105,125] was the predisposition to of morphological occurrence within the entire northern escarpmentavalanche occurrence snow avalanche options for delineating the predisposition to snow in the Corno Piccolo inside the whole northern the spatial of the Corno Piccolo Ridge, also contemplating the Ridge, also contemplating escarpment distribution along with the recurrence of the major spatial distribution andavalanche paths weremain phenomena. Six principal avalanche paths phenomena. Six principal the recurrence on the chosen (Figure 13) which are regarded the had been chosen (Figure and that are thought of essentially the most most likely to occur and have an effect on homes, probably to happen 13) affect houses, roads, and sporting infrastructures. Furthermore, roads,in the chosen web pages were devoid of terminology, and chosen web-sites were devoid of termost and sporting infrastructures. Moreover, the majority of the in accordance with their proximity to minology,buildings or certain proximity to isolatedwas decidedspecific sites/localities, isolated and based on their sites/localities, it buildings or to supply detailed it was decided tosome of them. descriptions for provide detailed descriptions for a number of them.Figure 13. Snow avalanche paths recorded and mapped within the present study. Figure 13. Snow avalanche paths recorded and mapped in the present study.Land 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEWLand 2021, ten,22 of23 ofThe exceptional snowfall events generating the snow avalanche disaster involving events producing the snow avalanche disaster involving The exceptional snowfall thethe Rigopiano Hotelin January 2017 [75,126,127] brought on many collateral events in thein the Rigopiano Hotel in January 2017 [75,126,127] caused numerous collateral events surrounding regions, like thethe Prati di Tivo region. They agenerated avalanchesnow surrounding Decursin Technical Information places, like Prati di Tivo region. They generated wide snow a wide avalanche along the Vallone della(Figure 13) and determined acute injuries toacute injuries to along the Vallone della Giumenta Giumenta (Figure 13) and determined the Prati di Tivo residence (Figure 14). (Figure 14). the Prati di Tivo residenceFigure 14. Detail of harm brought on byby the Vallonedella Giumentaavalanche toto the Prati Tivo residence on 18 January Figure 14.

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Author: Betaine hydrochloride